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Your first step to the
ICT Industry

Solve the challenges on this website to showcase your skills to the ICT industry.

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BRIDGE is brought to you by SLASSCOM together with YouLead and Royal Norwegian Embassy.


SLASSCOM member companies are willing to provide you with career opportunity if you prove your passion and skills. Such opportunity may come with financial assistance for your higher studies.

Watch the below video to get a sneak peak to the BRIDGE Platform.

Why should you complete BRIDGE challenges?

Around 400 IT/BPM companies who are members of SLASSCOM are interested to hire country's top talent like you.

Future Careers Bridge program is to assist youth like you, who are interested in ICT but lacks visibility and know how to enter this rapidly evolving industry. There are many educational institutes are partnered with BRIDGE to uplift their student's skills and knowledge.

100% Free Learning

There is no registration fee or any other payment required to take part in BRIDGE. 

Top performers will get selected by companies in the IT industry. During your training period, the company will pay you an internship allowance. 

No Entry Qualification

No entry qualification required. Anyone interested to learn IT can take challenges and develop their skills.

If you are after A/L, doing a diploma, undergraduate, or in vocational education, this platform is for you.

Job Opportunities

Your aspiration should be to get to the top of the leaderboard, so that companies will invite you for interviews.


Currently the industry has thousands of vacancies for passionate professionals.  

Get Certified

Once you complete a study track, we will provide you with a certification. This will be valuable for your career.


You are able to share these certificates through your Social Media profiles.

Future Careers BRIDGE Boot Camp


If you are a company or an educational institute, feel free to contact us to discuss how our partnership can benefit you.

Thanks for submitting!

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